Altar Guild - Altar Guild is a special lay organization of men and women, charged with the maintenance and preparation of the altar and its furnishings in a church. The altar guild also supervises church decorations and flowers.
Chancel Choir - Our Chancel Choir sings in the 10:30 service, supporting the congregation with hymns as well as presenting a musical offering. It is open to teens and adults who love to sing and make beautiful music with friends! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm
in the sanctuary. Come join us any time!
Handbell Choir - Handbells are a fun way to make music together. If you can count to four, we can teach you the rest! We rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in room 206, next to the sewing room. Teens and adults are welcome to join us!
Simply Praise - Simply Praise is a choral and instrumental band that leads 10:30 worship with contemporary music.
Lay Readers - Lay readers bring the word of God to the congregation by reading aloud the scriptures from the Bible.
Chalice Bearers - Chalice Bearers assist the priest in serving the wine during Communion. They stand next to the priest and offer the cup to all who wish to receive it.
Acolytes - Your job as an acolyte is to assist the celebrant ,(the priest in charge of a worship service,) and enhance the worship service to help glorify God. At St. Timothy's, and acolyte may be a youth or adult.
Ushers - Ushers are the ambassadors of the Church, and are there to see that all are made to feel welcome, and the service runs smoothly. Ushers distribute service leaflets, handle the offering and aid people in getting to Communion.
Healing Prayer - Our healing prayer leaders pray with church attendees who would like prayers for physical or emotional healing.
Sound Techs - Our Sound Techs manage the sound system at every worship service, so our congregation and on-line viewers can all hear the service clearly.
Videographers - Our videographers manage our video camera system at the 10:30 service and other special service, so homebound members can worship with us on YouTube.
Chancel Choir - Our Chancel Choir sings in the 10:30 service, supporting the congregation with hymns as well as presenting a musical offering. It is open to teens and adults who love to sing and make beautiful music with friends! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm
in the sanctuary. Come join us any time!
Handbell Choir - Handbells are a fun way to make music together. If you can count to four, we can teach you the rest! We rehearse on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in room 206, next to the sewing room. Teens and adults are welcome to join us!
Simply Praise - Simply Praise is a choral and instrumental band that leads 10:30 worship with contemporary music.
Lay Readers - Lay readers bring the word of God to the congregation by reading aloud the scriptures from the Bible.
Chalice Bearers - Chalice Bearers assist the priest in serving the wine during Communion. They stand next to the priest and offer the cup to all who wish to receive it.
Acolytes - Your job as an acolyte is to assist the celebrant ,(the priest in charge of a worship service,) and enhance the worship service to help glorify God. At St. Timothy's, and acolyte may be a youth or adult.
Ushers - Ushers are the ambassadors of the Church, and are there to see that all are made to feel welcome, and the service runs smoothly. Ushers distribute service leaflets, handle the offering and aid people in getting to Communion.
Healing Prayer - Our healing prayer leaders pray with church attendees who would like prayers for physical or emotional healing.
Sound Techs - Our Sound Techs manage the sound system at every worship service, so our congregation and on-line viewers can all hear the service clearly.
Videographers - Our videographers manage our video camera system at the 10:30 service and other special service, so homebound members can worship with us on YouTube.